Thursday, June 30, 2011

The new starts to my every days.

Up until yesterday the morning routine for me was to wake up by 6:30am get a fresh coffee and plop myself on the couch and watch 30 min of the morning news. This was not working for my goals in weight loss. diet is a big part but you don't go far when you don't exercise.

So the on the 27Th (my birthday) I promised MYSELF to make change for the better, for ME. I had came down with a flu bug of some sort (very gross) so I gave myself a few days (3 days) to think on how I was going to make my old routine NOT my routine.

I woke up at 4:45am (BTW it was tough to pry my eye lids open and get my butt out off bed) I got my self a glass of water went to the washroom and got dressed. as I did this I looked myself in the eye and told myself that as much as I wanted to not do this, it was vital I did.

I opened the door and stepped out, put on my runners and took some deep breaths of fresh air. I started with some stretches and began my 30 min  power walk. (it is a fast paced walk where your whole body gets a workout)  I chose to go on the road to take the benefits of some good hills (great to make the bum muscles burn) as I was walking up the hill I thought at how the old Corinna would say I quit, its to tough, it hurts. I could feel my heart race. and I did my best to ignore the voice in my head that was trying to tell me to stop. I kept going. I talked to mom as if she was walking with me (she was I just could not see her) I told her I was going to make her proud of me for doing this. I know she is. and before I knew it I was at the top of the hill.

When I got to the top of the hill, I felt so proud of ME for making it and NOT stopping, I turned around and started my way back down the hill going home. again power walking.

I got home everyone was still asleep, I made myself a protein shake for breakfast and sat down to enjoy my shake and just 15min of morning news. I got changed and started the morning load of laundry by 6:30am (my old time I used to get up).

I feel great, gonna do it again tomorrow ( with bug spray LOL) and maybe I'll add in a night power walk with time and maybe I try and get my bff  Dawn to go with me. ;)
I am proud of myself, this is the next step to the new me.

Have a great day everyone. I know I am because I feel great.

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