Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hi, it's just me again.

Another day, Aidan and Edina are gone to school, Eric is gone to work and Rhiannon and I are left here at the house, some people would be thankful for the time of peace but not me, I MISS MY KIDS when they are at school, i look forward to the weekends probably more than them, they are who i am, i was put on this earth to be their mother and am lucky enough to be able to stay at home and be here for them, i enjoy the time spent with them.
the days that they are gone are filled with house cleaning, laundry, cooking, and Rhiannon and I spend alot of time coloring, playing Lego, dollies, dress up, and sometimes we watch a movie together. yesterday i got a bit scared when i thought of when then the kids go back to school in the fall after the summer break Rhiannon will be going with the other 2 to attend the pre-k program, i am kinda sad about this, this means my babies are growing up and this is the start of them learning to fly. don't get me wrong i am happy to see them explore their world and i know it only school but its the start of them becoming them for life. I have thought about home schooling them but i also want them to have the social interaction that i know if i home schooled them they would not have that. i am sure that when the time comes i will find away to deal with it and keep myself busy.

So the new year brought some big decisions for me, i guess most people think they know themselves, and i thought i did, but it turned out i did not, i need to find myself, and that means things have got to change, from things like my weight which is the biggest thing.
 i have yo yo dieted most of my life, this goal i know this most peoples new year resolution and is one that  need to focus on, and in order to focus on it i needed to "detox" my life, i have been reading another blog to help me realize why i have not been able to loose the its written by a lady who has some times a funny way of identifying why we are fat, her insight to weight loss is one i find i can understand, because it is why i am fat overweight.
I am not aiming to be a perfect bodied person because lets be honest i have 3 kids and they are my focus in life, my goal is to drop 70 lbs and just be a healthy role model for my kids, i want to be here for them like my mom has and always be there for me and my sisters.
so far i have managed to get rid of 8 lbs in 2 weeks :) so i got 62 lbs to go to my goal, the blog link above the lady on there follows the 17 day diet, i am not on that yet but i do plan on getting on it, just as soon as my book gets here, so i am starting on a diet myself cutting out salt, sugar, and trying to cut back on carbs, i read into the 17 dd a bit and i think if by time my book gets here i should be ready to jump on the 17 dd train, I'm thinking of it as a weaning off of carbs plan right now, and seems to be working.
well thats all for now, the laundry is not going to do itself, hope you have a great day, because i know i will. :)

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