Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The rewards of a stay-at-home mom!

Being a stay-at-home mom offers alot of rewarding benefits as a job mom.
When it came time for me to take the role of staying home to take care of the kids after we ended our farm/ranch operation alot of things ran though my mind, like feeling guilty that my husband was the one to work out of the home and jealous that he was the one who got to be the bread winner of the house. I know kinda weired right? but when it came to it, it really was the best decision for our family. 1. I don't have more than a high school education, 2. Eric has the ticket in sheet metal to gain a job that would sustain our family on one income, 3. we just live to far away from any kind of work i would be able to get so the money i would make would pay for gas and childcare. really what was the point in that.
It was not till I had my youngest I realized that I would enjoy being at home caring for my kids, in my mind no one really could for long periods of time with out completely loosing their minds care for my kids but me.
I am so grateful to my husband who is completely 100% agrees and is willing to let me stay home to tend to the role of a stay-at-home mom.
I love my Job role as mom, the pay if you think of it is great if you get paid by hugs kisses and the unconditional love my children offer me everyday. no i really don't get time off because when i really have the chance to get away with out my kid they are all i think about all the time.
So would i ever want to be in someone else's shoes? the answer is no way I LOVE being a mom to my kids I would not change a thing about that at all, they are the 3 kids i wanted exactly.
Anyway my coffee break is over and the washing machine is beeping at me to change it over, a pot on the stove with left over turkey to make stew for the freezer, and last but not least lunch time for my 3yr old who is waiting on me.
I hope everyone has a great day. I know I am.

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