Saturday, April 30, 2011

This is Life!

I know i said I would post about how our Easter went, and so here it is, better late than never right?
So Easter day April/24/11 marked 2 months that mom passed away, and for that we showed Dad how much we learned from Mom a we made a huge supper, it included *taking a deep breath* turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing (dressing), green bean casserole, turnips, mustard sauce (for the ham), gravy, 5 pies (not store bought) they were 2 apple, 2 pumpkin, and 1 chocolate cream.
And other than the gravy (which was a bit lumpy) dad said we did well.
Thanks mom for teaching us how to put on a traditional supper, now we know why you started early in the mornings, its a ton of work.

Rhiannon had a follow-up appointment 2 days ago with her Physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
let me recap for those of you who don't know.
When Rhiannon was born, her placenta had ripped and caused a lot of blood loss for her out of 4 grades of abruption, we had a grade 3 abruption, the 4Th is death for both of us, and alot of the time babies who suffer a grade 3 abruption die.
No doctor thought she would survive, and if she did we were told she would never walk, talk, or do any f the things she does today.
 Rhiannon survived hers, but did suffer some oxygen deprivation due to the blood loss,
at 9 months of age i knew she needed help, I was not going to take what the doctors said, and i was not able to give it to her,
so with the help of a health nurse we entered into a program where children with physical delays and their parents learn how to move forward and learn how to teach a baby/child to meet milestones with physical and occupational therapies.
and with many appointments and hrs a day working with her at home she was classed "normal" 2 yrs ago.
On Thursday her appointment was to just make sure she was where he should be still.
she did all of what she was asked to do and more.
The occupational therapist asked Rhiannon to draw a circle and showed her a circle so she could draw it, she did it,
then she was asked to draw a square, and she did. then she was asked to draw a +, but she drew a circle instead,
she was asked to try again and drew a circle again. then Rhiannon asked for help and the occupational therapist showed her how to draw the first line and then the second, and asked Rhiannon to try,
Rhiannon said "no" "you did it, Good job your so smart" she told the therapist, and the room broke out into laughter,
she has come along way and beyond what anyone thought she could do.
She is a miracle some tell me, but i like to think of it as a child who has beat the odds and gives others hope to push forward and not take what doctors tell you to heart, because no one can tell you your child's outcome better than your child.

I am proud of all 3 of my children, they show me what life is all about when i all I want to do is give up, they make me want to be a better person.

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