Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Some weekend details.

So this weekend was jammed packed full of stuff. and I did try to get a birthday blog post up for my little girl Rhiannon who turned the big 4 on Friday. I will still get it on here within the next few days but it will definitely be late. ;)

Every 5 years my family gets together and goes camping for mom and dads anniversary, (this year marked 35 years) we call it a family reunion because it was not just a marriage but also a family coming together.

Before mom died she talked about this camping trip, she still wanted it to happen even if she was not here, and it did, we still were able to laugh and joke around as if mom were still here, at one point I looked around and every person had a smile, it was so comforting to see that, mom still makes sure we can still laugh.

This weekend also was used to spread mom and Byron's ashes, something that was hard to think of doing and hard to do. but it is done, we all were able to scatter some ashes around and let mom and Byron have a final resting place.

As we packed up yesterday dad headed out on a road trip to Manitoba to visit his cousins, it was hard to see him go but he has been wanting to do this since mom passed away, I Think it was one of his goals besides medical goals for him to do, I am proud of him for the progress he has made, I am crossing my fingers that he comes back from his trip in one piece. (lol his driving scares that crap out of me, and he has a camper that hes pulling too).

Today is cleaning up the mess and putting all the camping gear away. and before I forget did I mention the mountain of laundry that needs to be done? well I on my 4Th and still have 10 to go. camping is such a great way to make alot of dirty laundry fast. lol BTW we rough it in a tent, so laundry seems like it doubles quick.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

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